Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Elsewhere in the state, Gaya recorded the lowest of 2.7 degree Celsius with a maximum of 15.4 degree Celsius (8 degree below normal). Purnia and Bhagalpur registered a minimum of 6.0 and 6.1 degree Celsius and a maximum of 15.1 and 13.2 degrees Celsius respectively. Patna Met director A K Sen said, "Though the minimum temperature in the state capital recorded on Monday was 6.1 degree C, three degree C less than normal, the maximum was 9.7 degrees C, 13 degrees C below normal, leading to extreme cold. This spell will continue for at least another 24 hours. Once the moisture trapped at the mid-tropospheric level starts receding from Tuesday, the maximum temperature will rise but the minimum temperature will fall further." The northwesterly wind speed continues to be 8-9km per hour causing wind chill. Wind speed over 5km per hour leads to chill, added the Met director. Even sources in the Indian Meteorological Department, New Delhi, said cold wave condition will continue to prevail across Bihar. The cold has brought intense misery to the city's homeless, estimated to be around 30,000-35,000, who have no option but to sleep on the streets under the open sky as there are no night shelters for them in the city. However, the district administration claimed that adequate number of bonfires have been arranged at various localities to keep the shivering population warm. Both flights and train services were also badly hit on Monday. No flight could land at the Loknayak Jayaprakash Narayan airport due to extremely poor visibility (800 meters). Most of the trains passing through Patna junction and originating from north and north-east areas were running late by four to eight hours. Three trains - Sampoorna Kranti Express, Patna-New Delhi and Magadh Express - were rescheduled to leave Patna for New Delhi at 8pm and 9.30pm (on Monday night) and 1am (in the wee hours of Tuesday), respectively. District agriculture officer, Patna, Nitesh Kumar Rai said this winter spell is good for crops like wheat, tori and seasonal vegetables. However, if the spell continues for about a week, it will hit the growth of vegetables and fruit-bearing trees and the yield.

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खड़गपुर की पहाडि़यों पर स्थित यह तीर्थस्‍थल काफी मशहूर है। यह मुंगेर से २३कि॰मी॰ दक्षिण-पुर्व में लौवागढ़ी-पाटम पथ में उमीवनवर्षा के समीप स्थित है। इस स्‍थान का नाम प्रसिद्ध ऋषि श्रृंग के नाम पर रखा गया है। यहां मलमास के शुभ अवसर पर श्रद्धालुओं की भारी भीड़ जुटती है। पर्यटकों के बीच यहां का गर्म झरना आकर्षण के केंद्र बिंदू में रहता है। ठंड के मौसम में इस झरने का पानी हल्‍का गर्म हो जाता है जिसमें स्‍नान करने के लिए दूर दराज से पर्यटक आते हैं। यहीं पर एक डैम का निर्माण भी किया गया है जो इसकी खूबसूरती में चार चांद लगाता है। यहां स्थित कुंड जिसको लोग ऋषिकुंड के नाम से जानते हैं, के बारे में कहा जाता है कि व्‍यक्ति चाहे लंबा हो या छोटा पानी उसके कमर के आसपास तक ही होता है। यहीं भगवान शिव को समर्पित एक बहुत प्राचीन मंदिर है जो भक्‍तों के बीच काफी लोकप्रिय है। इसके अलावा चण्‍डी स्‍थान, मुल्‍ला मोहम्‍मद सईद का मकबरा, खड़गपुर झील, रामेश्‍वर कुंड, पीर पहाड़, हा-हा पंच कुमारी, उरेन, बहादूरीया-भूर, भीमबांध आदि-आदि भी देखने लायक जगह है।